I woke up today with this thought firmly on my mind: If you don’t do anything about the future, when you get there, you won’t see anything.

I felt fear, panic and discouragement all at the same time because I stopped to consider this; the fact that I don’t like what I am seeing today is either of these two thoughts, I didn’t do anything about it in the past or what I did wasn’t enough and it made me wonder, what do I want the future to be like?

I asked myself questions in line with what I know from the book of Proverbs 6; Am I a sluggard? Am I lazy in my mentality? Is that why I am where I am today?

So many emotions that I am battling with…I remember the night I sat up in tears, serious tears and I was asking so many questions of God, what did I do wrong? What was I supposed to do next? So many questions that I have asked myself, including this one: Am I losing my faith?

This very question, “Am I losing my faith?” was the most pertinent of questions.

See, all my growing up from childhood to adulthood, I’d been raised in the knowledge that I ought to put my faith in God and some of the times, I’ve missed it in the sense that I left it all up to God even the part I was supposed to play an active role in, thinking that it was only him that needed to “wave a magic wand” over the situation and all would be fine and my faith would be strengthened, but in this situation that I am in currently and several others of this nature that I have been in, I find that  God is not a “genie in the bottle” who has “3-wishes” to give me, instead, he has called me into a life of active faith which is consistent and not seasonal, which stretches under pressure but is not broken.

I’ve come to understand that like the catapult which needs to have its rubber stretched in order for the stone to go forwards, the farther the stretch, the further the stone will go.

Also like the catapult, no matter how much it is stretched, it always returns to the point of “rest” without losing its form or functionality.

Again i asked myself, was I really losing my faith? And I came to the conclusion that no, I wasn’t losing my faith but instead, like the catapult, my faith was experiencing a stretch.

Though I had a faint idea of where I thought I ought to be, I would not be able to get there if my faith wasn’t stretched. And just like that my question was answered.

The experience is still on no doubt but I’ve got a different perspective about it all. No longer am I wondering if I’ve lost “IT”, rather I know that “IT” is still holding unto me projecting me into not just where I think I ought to be, but rather to the place He knows is my place. Ahead and not behind, on top not beneath.

In case you are wondering if you have lost your faith, fear not, He might just be stretching you out a bit so that you will get to where you are to happen. HOLD ON!!!


hold on

19 thoughts on “HOLDING ON

  1. On point! I love the catapult analogy. “Am I losing faith?” A question I’ve asked myself several times too. I believe God is still holding me so that I can hold on… Thank you for this post

  2. Reblogged this on zealthinks and commented:
    Every now and then in our lives we come to this “wow moment” it is like a light bulb suddenly illuminates the darkness in your mind….you know, that aha!! momenet? yeah right….
    Today I had one such moments and it happened shortly after awoke up from sleep..i woke up lazy and abit later than usual… I stretched and picked my phone then logged into twitter….nothing caught my fancy and was about to drop the phone when i came across a tweet from my friend Lahmeet…it was about a new blog and i clicked on the link but did not read immdiately. My mood was still foul and the worried halo circled my head. I dropped the phone and covered my face again to sleep some more…i had vowed not to leave home today. My mind was on over drive and I found no sleep then I picked the phone and decided to read the new blog “Memoirs of the metamorphosis” then came my wow moment… I have not read a piece that spoke so straight to me like this in a long long while…It was like the blogger took a peak into my mind and printed out the blog straight off my thoughts…now I will say no more…read this and I am sure you will be glad you did 🙂 don’t forget to drop a comment and follow the blog…some rich stuff going down there I tell ya…



  3. Certainly, there are times we feel empty, and it feel as though we are becoming faithless, but sometimes we need such moments to remind us we are not robbots, and it motivates us to hunger for Him more

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